Pure Rock Fury with Paul Cash Show 255 on HARD ROCK HELL RADIO

After the Firevolt Christmas Party Gig, it’s time to get back to the mic as ‘Pure Rock Fury’ rides again this week and i’ll be chatting with the FM official & Kings of Mercia legend, Steve Overland Official. Thieves Of Liberty bring us the final part of ‘Shangri-La In Their Own Words’ and this weeks Groove comes from the likes of ClutchLeadfeatherHarm & EaseThe HellacoptersWe Three KingsZac and The New MenShotgun SawyerThe Blood RepublicVon Hertzen BrothersKing KrakenVelvet RushThe LazysSonny JimThe CheatsDeadfireThe Linda Lindas and loads more – Stay Safe & Well !!