Latest Full Metal Racket on MixCloud

Come and listen again to the Latest Full Metal Rack on Mixcloud

 New stuff from Destruction, Portrait, Furnace, Nightmare, Regicide & Kvaen, plus a look at some of the bands at Download 2024

Anthrax – Indians
Grave – For Your God
Virologist – Opprobrium Transmogrification
Mistress – The Grindown
Saxon – And The Bands Played On
Nightmare – The Blossom Of My Hate
Fear Factory – Cars
Biohazard – Each Day
Pantera – Slaughtered
Kerry King – Two Fists
Dying Fetus – Ethos Of Coercion
Celestial Sanctuary – Relentless Savagery
Heathen – Pray For Death
Destruction – No Kings, No Masters
Regicide – You Ain’t Nobody
Warchest – The Haunted Chapel
Megadeth – Victory
Portrait – Die In My Heart
Humonic – Internal Justice
Dead Tree Seeds – Torture & Rage
Cro-Mags – I’ve Gotta Know
Get The Shot – Absolute Sacrifice
Dimmu Borgir – Grotesquery Concealed
Kvaen – Traverse The Nether
Enslaved – Hiindsiight

Author: Ro

Born in the ‘70s Ro has been influenced by music throughout his life. At the tender age of 10, he was dutifully pumping 10ps into the Jukebox to listen to AC/DC’s Whole Lotta Rosie and Iron Maiden’s Run to The Hills constantly, much to the chagrin of everything else in the Youth Club! Ro then went to his first gig – SAXON! Since then all music has been his passion, with metal at its heart.