Heavy Grungers BRAIN PAIN debut album out on July 26th.

The Magazine is more than just an album; it’s a profound exploration of language and meaning. A play on the The Italian word “rivista” offers a rich tapestry of interpretations that reflect the multifaceted nature of the release:

  1. The Magazine: At its core, “La Rivista” is a curated collection dedicated to diverse fields such as fashion, art, and music. It invites readers to delve into specialized worlds, each offering unique perspectives and insights.
  2. The Inspection: Drawing from its military connotation, it signifies a meticulous self-examination. It’s an introspective journey where we scrutinize our own abilities, emotions, and fears, striving for a deeper understanding of ourselves.
  3. The Show: Evoking the spirit of a variety show, it celebrates the dynamic interplay of life’s experiences. Music, comedy, and dance are not mere performances but expressions of our inner turmoil and joy, capturing the essence of our human condition.

Additionally, “The Magazine” is a concept album that narrates the introspective journey of a man who wins a golden ticket to traverse his own multiverse.

Brain Cream: The protagonist begins his odyssey in a state of overwhelm, seeking to escape the incessant chaos of everyday life. The golden ticket symbolizes his opportunity for liberation. Yet, he remains poignantly aware that the world he leaves behind will continue to grow and change without him, perhaps becoming a better version of itself.

Apricot Sorrow: In this stage, he finds himself in his ultimate reality, a place where he has already lived all the other realities he must now experience. He sees clearly the lives he detests and those he yearns for. The lingering question of “WHY?” drives him to seek meaning in his future journeys.

The Saving and The Craving: Here, he navigates a realm of struggle and addiction, striving for redemption but repeatedly falling into old, destructive habits. Unable to confront his issues head-on, he seeks solace in temporary escapes. As he teeters on the brink of despair, he makes a final plea for forgiveness, still searching for elusive answers.

The Butcher of Grangaisbrook: This adaptation of a local legend depicts a quest for vengeance. The protagonist, consumed by his grievance, believes he will find answers in the blade of an axe. Instead, he descends into madness, driven by his own dark emotions.

Icahipi: He comes to the realization that he is trapped in a cycle, repeating the same mistakes. His life mirrors a snake consuming its tail, a relentless, futile loop akin to the unceasing whirl of a blender.

Samsara: Determined to break free, he traverses the desert of his soul. The twirling sky above urges him to escape this endless cycle of fleeing dying worlds only to find new ones to destroy. He seeks a path forward, a genuine new beginning.

Spread Love Around: Ultimately, he discovers the meaning of his journey lies in the ability to care for others and share his thoughts and emotions. The room where he once sat alone and filled with grief is now a space of love and companionship. He can finally enjoy the apricot without remorse or nostalgia. He is content, and for the first time, he truly feels happiness.

Embark on this deeply introspective journey with “The Magazine” where each story, each note, resonates with the rhythms of the soul.

Album tracklisting:

01. Brain Cream
02. Apricot Sorrow
03. The Saving
04. The Craving
05. Autoradiography
06. The Butcher of Grangaisbrook
07. Icahipi
08. Samsara
09. Spread Love Around

For more info:

Brain Pain Facebook

Author: Ro

Born in the ‘70s Ro has been influenced by music throughout his life. At the tender age of 10, he was dutifully pumping 10ps into the Jukebox to listen to AC/DC’s Whole Lotta Rosie and Iron Maiden’s Run to The Hills constantly, much to the chagrin of everything else in the Youth Club! Ro then went to his first gig – SAXON! Since then all music has been his passion, with metal at its heart.