Andy Sayers Rocks It! On Hard Rock Hell Radio August 28th 2024

Features a wide range of rock and metal music, especially power and symphonic metal. Hard rock is also included in the mix along with some gentler stuff too. Lots of new releases again this week.

ALT BLK ERA – Straight To Heart

The New Roses – Attracted To Danger

Rimbacher – Worldkiller

Neptune – Power

Valkyrie’s Fire – Ride of the Valkyrie

Astral Doors – When The Clock Strikes Midnight

Astral Doors – A Game Of Terror

Elles Bailey – 1972

Theigns & Thralls – The Mermaid Tavern

Neptune – Northern Warriors

The Nail – No Time To Burn

Nikolo Kotzev – The King Will Die

Nikolo Kotzev – I Don’t Believe

Shine – Cocaine Child (female vocals)

Vonavibe – Blinding Lights

Our Hollow, Our Home – In Reflection

Nightwish – Perfume Of The Timeless

Nightwish – The Day Of…

Music In The Machine – One Glance

High Society & Daedric – Dead by Dawn

Vonavibe – Mad World

The Oklahoma Kid – Nostalgic Love

Filth Is Eternal – Violet